

   Development of the requirements for submitted manuscripts by editors of the journal "The journal of New Medical Technologies, eJournal" (JNМТ) follows global trends of development of evidence-based medicine. The requirements, which can later be updated, are in compliance with "Joint requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals" designed by the International Committee of editors of medical journals. JNMT publishes papers on medical and biological sciences, which were not published earlier in other journals (except for «Reports of the RAS»). Articles are not allowed to be published if they do not meet journal requirements, or if they are not provided with e-mail addresses and authors’ addresses as well as articles on unfinished research.
   The authors are fully responsible for the orthography and style of the submitted works, according to the Fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation entered into force January 1, 2008, regulating the turnover of rights for the results of intellectual property, the authors of works provide the journal non-exclusive rights to publish.
   When Submitting Your Manuscript:
   1. Style and structure should conform to the journal requirements. Message headers and the names are written in capital letters, Font-Times New Roman without setting the text in bold (face).
   2. The article should not exceed 10 A4 pages, including tables, charts, figures and references. (210×297 mm). Page and Indentation Setup: top and bottom, left and right margins 2.5 cm, alignment − portrait; Font-Times New Roman size - 10, black, line spacing – single. First line indent - 10 mm; tables, figures and captions are given according to the place of finding them in the text; if colorful illustrations are given files are provided in their original editor. For graphs and diagrams use Microsoft Office Excel. Each figure must be inserted in the text as a Microsoft Office Excel object. Outer edging of tables - line thickness 1,5, internal line - 0.5; the title of the table should be set in bold, centered above the table, the word "Table" is given with the number above the title. The name of the illustrations is given in italics, beginning with "Figure", below, centered, if it is not single then continued with a regular font. Illustrations and tables should have size fitted the column of the magazine article; otherwise they should be placed on a single page in portrait format. The number of figures, tables and volume of the list of references (no more than 15 names) must be reasonably measured to the volume of text.
   3. The initials, then a surname of the author(s) are given first under the heading of the article. Below you specify the name of the institution (without indication of departments, laboratories and etc.), e-mail or postal address. The name and title of the officials are not necessary. If the authors belong to different organizations, you must use footnotes to refer each author and their organization.
   4. The article is submitted in 2(two) copies. An electronic copy should be saved in one file with the complete information. Article is signed by the head of the institution, and comes with a cover letter on letterhead of the institute, where the article was published, including expert opinion and review. The last page of the text of the article is signed by all the authors, their names, patronymic names and surnames, postal addresses, e-mails, phone and Fax numbers (office or home) are indicated.
   5. The original of the article should not exceed 8 printed pages, abstract – 3 pages, the bibliographic list – 8-9 pages, reviews and chronicles – 3 pages. The bibliographic list to the original article should contain maximum 25 sources of the last years’ editions (not older than 7 years).
   6. Special attention should be paid to abbreviations. Common abbreviations (ECG, EEG, EMG, ultrasound, TLB, LH, FSH, IGF-1 and etc.) do not require decoding. Means of injection (intramuscularly, intravenously, hypodermic injection) are given in abbreviated form. All other names and notions when first mentioned should be deciphered.
   7. Volume of a graphic material must be minimal. Figures should not illustrate the tables (either one or the other). Photos and drawings must be legible. If the illustrations were previously published, specify the original source and submit written permission to reproduce them from the holder of rights of publication.
   8. Requirements for figures on magnetic media.
   Black and white line drawings.  File format: TIFF (extension *.tif), any program that supports this format (Adobe PhotoShop, CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, etc); mode - bitmap (bitmap); resolution of 600 dpi (pixels per inch); gray fill should be replaced with a slash, a cross or other shading or black filling, figure should be cropped at the edges of the images and cleaned from "dust" and "scratches"; image width should not exceed 180 mm, height should not exceed 200 mm (including the name below); font of captions should not be less than 7 pt (7 points).
   Color images, photos and pictures with gray elements.  Platform (PC) - IBM PC or compatible; drawing file format : TIFF (extension *.tif ); a program performing the publication - PageMaker 6.5; Corel DRAW 7 and 8; color model RGB; resolution - 300 dpi resolution (pixels per inch) or 119,975 pixels on 1 cm; the figure should be associated with the publication.
   9. Each figure should have a common title and explanation of all abbreviations. The captions should indicate the degree of increase, the method of coloring (or impregnation) of the drug.
   10. Construction plan is made in the following articles:  "The Purpose of the study",  "Materials and methods",  "Results and discussion",  "Conclusions"  for paragraphs, references, abstract. In the section "Materials and methods" the method of the study should be clearly described. In particular, the version of the study is indicated, a one-time (cross), longitudinal (prospective or retrospective case - control study) ones are specified. The criteria for inclusion in the study and exclusion from it (not only a reference diagnosis) should be described. It’s obligatory to make the reference to the presence or absence of randomization (and its methodology) when distributing of patients to the groups, and the presence or absence of masking (blinding) with placebo use and drug use in clinical trials. In this section you should describe the equipment used and diagnostic equipment with the indication of its main technical characteristics and manufacturer, names of commercial kits for hormonal and biochemical study with the indication of their manufactures and ordinary values for the selected indicators. When the conventional methods of the study were used the corresponding reference should be given in bibliographical list. You should specify international names of used drugs and chemicals, dosage and the methods of application (mode of drug introduction). If the article contains the description of experiments on human beings it is necessary to point out if the procedure met the standards of ethical Committee responsible for this kind of work, or the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, its revision of. In experimental studies you should specify the type and number of animals, used methods of anesthesia and killing in strict compliance with the "Rules of work with use of experimental animals", approved by the Ministry of health of RF.
   11. Description of the procedure of statistical analysis is an integral component of the section "Materials and methods". The critical level of significance, p, adopted in the research is obligatory indicated (for example, "the critical level of significance for the testing of statistical hypotheses in this study is equal to 0.05"). In each case the actual value of acceptable level of significance p used for statistical criterion is indicated (instead of p< 0.05 or p>0.05). You must specify the value of the obtained statistical criteria (for example, the criteria χ2 = 12,3; number of degrees of freedom df=2, p= 0.0001). Definition is given to all indicated statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols. For example, M is the sample mean, m (SEM) is the error of mean, STD is the sample standard deviation, p - the level of significance. When you use expressions M±m you should specify the value of each of the symbols and sample size (n). Average values are not given more accurate than with the one decimal digit compared with the original ones, standard deviation and error medium with two decimal digits. If the data analysis is done using the statistical software package, you must specify the name of this package and version.
   12. Symbols (α-,  β-,  γ - etc.) should be given in this form avoiding complete letter (alfa-, beta-, gamma- etc.). Immunoglobulin should be abbreviated in Latin symbols - Ig, interleukins, on the contrary, should be abbreviated by Russian letters – ИЛ, as well as the names of chemical compounds (НАДФ, цАМФ, ДНК, etc.) for the exception of names that do not have Russian analogues (for example, transcription factors, G-proteins etc).
   13. Latin names of genes are given in italics, and proteins in Roman.
   14. Summary should not exceed 150 words and provide the concept of main provisions of the articles and the new ones it contains. The text is represented in two languages, Russian and English, including the title, the name and the address of the referring organization. The article should contain "Keywords" (3-10) placed under the abstract.
   15. Tables should have legible titles and graphs. Figures of the tables should correspond to the figures in the text. The text should not duplicate all the data from the tables and illustrations.
   16. Quotes on the fields are signed by the author. The source is indicated (title, edition, year, volume, issue, page) in the footnote.
   17. should be provided with references to illustrations and tables.
   18. Measurements are given in measuring system and Celsius scale of temperature. Abbreviations of the individual words or terms (except for generally accepted ones) are not allowed. Do not use acronyms and abbreviations in the title, deductions and summaries. If abbreviation is used instead of a complete term, complete term must precede the first use of abbreviation in the text (unless this is not a standard unit of measurement). Names of enzymes of tissue drugs, buffers of suspension environments and experimental methods (except for the ЭПР, ЯМР, ЦД, ДОВ) are not abbreviated. Chemical elements and simple inorganic compounds should be designated by chemical formulas. Names of organic compounds can be replaced by formulas, if they are shorter then names and show clearly their structure. Mixed abbreviations of Russian symbols and symbols of atom in Latin transcription are not allowed, all abbreviations should be written either in Latin letters or Russian ones without abbreviation.
     19. The bibliographic list is organized in accordance with GOST Р 7.0.5-2008 and the following requirements. Bibliographic references are given in numbers in square brackets in the text in accordance with bibliographic list of references, references are listed in alphabetical order (first domestic, then foreign). The list of references includes works of Russian and foreign authors of the last 5-7 years and only in exceptional cases some earlier publications. Valid-citation – 3-5 sources. Bibliographic references are not given in lectures. Such articles are attached with literature list, recommended on this issue, arranged located in alphabetical order without numbers.
   20. Keys and symbols and measurement units of physical quantities should be given in accordance with GOST (GOST 8.417-81); results of clinical and laboratory researches should be given in accordance with the Measuring System in medicine. All abbreviations should be deciphered at the first mention; if this requirement is not done the article is returned for revision.
   21. The article should obligatory contain the index of the universal decimal classification (UDC)
   22. The article (regardless of the amount of) should attach the following elements
   - covering letter;
   - review;
   - information about the author(s): e-mail, address, phone numbers, position data.
   The authors, being published in the journal attach creative-curriculum vitae (5-10 lines). The title of the article, initials and surname(s) of the author(s), place(s) of the author(s), abstract (of less than 150 words) and keywords must be in both Russian and English languages. The quality of presentation in English is a subject of stricter requirements. The reviewing of the given manuscripts is desirably made by the experts in this field.
   23. Editorial Board reserves the right to reject an article without giving reasons. In accordance with paragraph "COPYRIGHT ETHICS" for publication WILL NOT be accepted articles with originality at least 80% ( . Rejected manuscripts will not be returned. The priority of publication of articles is defined in the order of turn and relevance.
   24. The editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and edit the work regardless of their volume, including changes to the titles of papers of terms and definitions. Minor stylistic or formal corrections which do not affect on the content of the article are made by the technical editor without the consent of the author. If the author’s manuscript is processed by the author, the date of submission is considered to be the date of final version submission.
   25. When submitting an article for publication in the journal "The Journal of New Medical Technologies, eJournal", the authors agree thereby that the article is openly accessible in the scientific electronic library and on the website edition.
   26. The editors reserve the right for a decision where to publish the article in paper or electronic form.
   27. All graduate students are published free of charge (subject own authorship graduate students without co-authors) and subscribers.
   28. The cost of publishing services is 3000 rubles. BEFORE THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ARTICLE FOR PUBLICATION, DO NOT PAY FOR THE SERVICES.
   Bank details ТРОО АМТН:
   ИНН 7106083338;
   КПП 710601001;
   Account No. 40703810466000001013;
   БИК (Bank Identifier Code) 047003608;
   Loro account No. 30101810300000000608;
   Remittee: ТРОО АМТН.
   Publishing services include:
   - editorial work: reviewing, administrative support, journal development,
   - technical infrastructure and innovations: development, support and operation of the journal website system,
   - article indexing,
   - marketing the journal and website to notify readers and authors of published works,
   - "feedback" between the editors, authors and readers.
   29. Article submission may be carried out via on-line submission system or mail. The text should be sent in an MS Word-compatible format (Word up to 2007) for Windows design, and illustrations should be made in formats CorelDRAW (CDR), TIFF Bitmap (TIF), Windows Bitmap (BMP).
   30. The editors reserve the right to correct and (or) reduce the contents of the works submitted. materials. For subscription you can address to any post office. Our address at: 300012, Tula, Lenina Pr-t, 92, tel. (4872) 73-44-73, 33-22-09, E-mail: or
Last update  22.12.2022 г.